Areas Where We Practice Family Law
We work on complex family law matters, helping move them to a resolution that's meaningful for our clients.
Government Employees and Teachers
Pension and benefits valuations, secondary sources of income, and contractual obligations that can impact support obligations and net family property calculations.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Litigation in Family Law and Divorce is only one path to resolution. We use ADR when it best suits the needs of our clients.
Parenting Arrangements
Divorce and Family Law issues involving children require careful assessment to determine potential child support obligations and analysis of issues that can arise in the care of and responsibility for children.
Cohabitation Agreements
When two people in a relationship decide to live together, it may result in financial obligations on one or both parties. A cohabitation agreement is one way to address these obligations.
Common Law Relationships
More couples are deciding to forgo traditional marriage and live in common law relationships. These relationships bring their own complexities that need to be analyzed during a break down of the relationship.
Hidden Assets & Marital Fraud
During a divorce or separation, a spouse may hide assets to avoid their spousal support or child support obligations, or to reduce the equalization payment between the separating couple. We may use forensic accountants and business valuators to find and value hidden assets.
Marriage Contracts
When getting married, some couples may choose to enter into marriage contracts to protect assets in case of a divorce or separation. These discussions are delicate and typically require both spouses-to-be to exchange financial disclosure.
Paternity Agreements
Some couples, either during a marriage or on its dissolution, may enter into paternity agreements for setting out child support obligations and parenting arrangements.
Separation Agreements
A separation agreement will typically set out child and spousal support obligations, the division of property, and any equalization payment that might be required due to divorce or separation.
Spousal Support
Depending on the length of the marriage, the difference in income between spouses, and other factors such as property value and income, there may be an obligation of one spouse to pay support towards the other on a temporary or ongoing basis. We typically provide an assessment of spousal support obligations during an initial consultation.
Inna Tsinman
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